Saturday, July 11, 2020

From crude herbals to Biopharmaceuticals

From Crude Herbal Drugs to Biopharmaceuticals


By Harpreet kaur


Mother Nature has endowed us all with immense resources for a happy living on this planet. Man is an important component in the Biosphere. Food and health for all is prime need of humanity. Due to unplanned and unmanaged exploitation of natural resources, life forms are getting threatened day by day. Increasing population is posing a pressure for expansion of arable land which is already squeezing due to reckless human activities. India is biodiversity rich country. Here Herbal drugs have served human beings since time immemorial.

Ancient Man is forefather and inventor of crude herbal drugs. He identified some plants/ plant parts on the basis of certain characteristic visual traits, flavors etc. For curing ailments. With repetitive use certain therapeutic values were tagged to these plants. Continous use and trials led to highlight side effects if any. As certain plant parts such as flowers and fruits were season specific, so the flora was further explored by them for alternate source of herbal substitutes. This fragmented knowledge was conserved and percolated generation after generation. 

How early man would have evaluated plants for curing ailments still remains an unsolved query? 

Even today strictly isolated tribal population with no connection to the outer developed world are using plants for food, shelter and medication. With the evolution of civilization early man progressed towards preservation pf crude herbals for future needs. Formulation preparation was a step further invented by early man for preservation and bio-efficacy of drug constituents.

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system over 5000 years old of folk healing in India. It restores a balance between the body and mind in disease prevention and treatment through diet and herbals. In yesteryears herbals were consumed for symptomatic treatment for short duration but now in developed nations they are disease prevention options as currently used in Coronavirus pandemic situations and these are also consumed for prophylactic or nutraceuticals benefits. Herbals are very popular in many countries. Globalization and international trading is pointing towards harmonization of universal uniform quality check parameters. Countries like India, China and Japan signifying safety and bio-efficacy  of herbal products have a different basis of assessment and screening herbals. In an era of patents, herbal products with therapeutic claims need to be distinguished for marketing and consumption. They are regulated as drugs if claimed for therapeutics, while herbals without such claims are grouped as food or cosmetics. Attempts are being made now world over to define clear cut regulatory guidelines on herbals and botanicals.

Herbal medicines

Herbal medicines have gained their popularity for both historical and cultural significance. Such products have become more widely available commercially, especially in developed countries. In some countries such as Germany , herbal products are sold as phytomedicines and are regulated for safety and efficacy as drug products while in USA herbal products are regulated as dietary supplements. Presently in developed countries concept of holistic or integrative medication system is gaining impetus whereby herbals are incorporated as alternative or complementary  options along with allopathy in patient care.

  WHO in 1993 invited experts to frame criteria as well as scientific principles for evaluation and authentication of herbal medicines . Experts recognized that some herbals qualified scientific parameters while others were used for traditional reasons only. All herbals need to be evaluated scientifically for safety and patenting issues. However, their traditional use over years should not be ignored and their time authentication can be used for drug development in future. Over the past five decades, Biotechnology has contributed immensely to the healthcare system. Molecular drugs are paving their way and Biopharmaceuticals have contributed immensely in transforming public health issues, increasing longevity and improving quality of life. Since a lot of top selling Biopharmaceuticals are on the verge of patent expiry, many generic drug makers are entering the market with similar products known as Biosimilars or follow -on- biologics.

Generally ,all the  bioBiopharmaceuticals have short half-lives in the body . Several approaches have been adopted to improve the half-life and thereby improving bioavailability by modifying the the biopharmaceuticals resulting in new formulation known as biobetter drugs. The interdisciplinary research collaboration between pharmacy and biotechnology has enormously boosted the pharma sector with more number of pharmaceutical companies now developing keen interest towards development of potential biomolecules. Biopharmaceuticals are large complex therapeutic drug molecules composed of amino acids,nucleotides and proteins obtained by extraction from non-conventional sources. The biopharmaceutical products inude:-

  • Cytokines

  • Interleukins

  • Enzymes

  • Hormones

  • Monoclonal antibodies

  • Clotting factors etc.

These biopharmaceuticals are characterized using standard mentioned in the Q5C and Q6B guidelines established by the International Council of Harmonization(ICH) and are analyzed for physicochemical, biological and immunological properties.

           India is a biodiversity rich country.Plant wealth and herbals can give India a lead in challenging areas of therapeutics. Traditional knowledge conserved mostly in rural areas will help boost rural economy along with advanced industrial boom. From crude herbals to biopharmaceuticals will generate ample of employment opportunities for youth of our country thus strengthening Indian economy at large.

"Fresh herbs belong to anywhere you put them"

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